Sitting in my big girl high chair
Peyton smiling at the football players
Peyton and Daddy
Mommy and Miss P
The Homecoming queen
Last week was an exciting one for Peyton. Early last week she began sitting in her big girl high chair!!!!!!!!!!! It was one my Aunt, Bonnie gave us and is very similar to the one I had!
Then on Friday the 3rd, whe went to her first football game in Dickson. Her cousin, Emily was Homecoming Queen and we dressed Miss P in their colors that are similar to those of Auburn. Peyton loved the lights and seeing the players run on the field as you can see from her first picture with Dad! She squealed with the cheerleaders too.
On Saturday, we watched a little football from home and then went to a bonfire at our friend, Keegan's house. He had the band members over along with his friends and family and they provided our entertainment. The sherrif deputy even came, but HA, there is no noise ordinance in Arlington aka tha boonies! Peyton loved the fire and snuggling in our blanket!!!!